AREFS taide ja kulttuuri ry
AREFS art and culture association

  • Savon Radan ryhmä organizes activities along the historical Savo line

MEETING 8.9.2011
Mikkelin Taidemuseo


1. welcome, opening of the meeting and the attendant persons

2. acceptance of the agenda

3. acceptance of the minutes 2010 August 16 – Saksala ArtRadius

4. financial report 2010

5. review activities 2010
b. Haukivuori Muistoissamme IV
c. Taidekirppujen Yö
d. A LOVELY PLACE - community project
e. THIS IS OUR NATURE – art education project

6. program 2011 and 2012 and applications

7. THIS IS OUR NATURE – art education program
a. support Mikkelin Kauppunki
b. participating schools
c. participating artists

8. artist-in-residence program Saksala ArtRadius in AREFS

9. AllaprimA collection and library in AREFS

10. campaign to get more (active) members

11. other items

12. closing the meeting

MdJ/Haukivuori 1.9.2011


©2009 AREFS taide ja kulttuuri ry, Finland. All rights reserved.
No reproduction by any means or in any language without prior permission of the author.