In the image we used a part of the train paintings made during
September 2015 at the school in Rämälä and a detail of the
installation 'Bon Voyage' created by children of the school in
AREFS taide ja kulttuuri ry welcomes you to their annual New Year Event in
Hiirola railway station
On Saturday January 9th 2016 the door is open from 15.00
You are welcome any time it fits to you.
There are refreshments, cold and warm snacks.
15.00 open doors
16.00 opening exhibition
on mukavaa 2 - digital drawings by Marjaana Valve
18.00 birthday party Marja de Jong
The Hiirola Railway Station is going to be a new art and culture
center north of Mikkeli.
The Annual Celebration is the start of the 2016 art and culture
AREFS taide ja kulttuuri ry and SAVON-RADAN ryhmä are the initiators
and cooperate with local organizations to involve the community in
the programs and events.
"Hyvää uutta vuotta 2016 kaikille, kaikkialla. Vanha on tehnyt
parhaansa ja uusi on jo toivoa täynnä! & Happy New Year 2016 to
everybody everywhere! The old did his best and The New one is full
filled with hope! "
Marjaana Valve os Leppänen
The opening of the cultural year 2016 contents the vernissage of
the first 2016 exhibition in STUDIO 23 it is open for all visitors.
The exhibitions shows digital drawings by Marjaane Valve os Leppänen
from Pieksämäki. Her colorful works are telling the story of life in
rural Finland.
If you are interested in the art and culture program of AREFS it
would be great to receive your support and welcome you as a member
of AREFS taide ja kulttuuri ry.
Through these memberships it will be possible to organize art
workshops with the children and community events in Hiirola.
Related to the goals of AREFS taide ja kulttuuri ry and its
activities in the past we are developing a various program in the
field of art, art education, cultural heritage and rural
development. It is our intention to involve local communities in
participating in the program parts.
The link to AREFS annual report 2015
In 2016 AREFS is planning the following activities and programs:
1. Exhibitions with art works from artists in the region of Etelä
Savo in STUDIO 23
2. Art workshops ART STEPS FROM THE PAST TO THE FUTURE at the school
in Rämälä
3. Cooperation with Wanha Koulu Vehmaskylä in the field of art and
culture activities
4. Cooperation with the the regional railway group SAVON-RADAN ryhmä
5. Preparing the publication TÄMÄ ON MINUN TAKAPIHANI - THIS IS MY
6. International cooperation in the field of art education and
7. Art lessons on the internet based on the programs of last years
AREFS is applying for grants at different locations to be able to
finance the planned activities.
See more about membership and
membership fee on the contribution page of AREFS
A donation from 150€ will be honored with a
special painting
Hiirola-Homage to Knut Nylander.
support the activities of AREFS taide ja kulttuuri ry
by a contribution or donation
DANSKEBANK IBAN FI 4885 0007 1037 1681
mentioning e.g.
membership fee 2016
or contribution art programs 2016
Click here to see the whole review of 2015